
Meher Baba Manifesting


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(This is a rendering of Padri's talk)

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Living with the Avatar-Padri-Vol1.mp4 was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the latest audio-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors. Sonix is the best way to convert your video to text in 2019.

Padre how did it happen that you first contacted me here Baba. He's was an excuse is who's by my mother. She wanted me to go to Baba.

And instead of telling me to go directly and see him. She said she gave me an excuse that go to marijuana who has established himself in a GOP somewhere near Ganesh kind-- the said engineering college and go and ask him that I want to see him. When should I come take an appointment from him?

And accordingly event. I took Jal. I knew Joel very well and we are very good friends. And I said July want to go and see your brother was established joeppli there and my mother wants to come and see him take me to him.

Well, we both went there. I saw the other monthly there the Roche gruesome the Hindu Monday from Pune Billy gusta G et cetera others. I also felt in line with them.

And Labyrinth ask me anything.

Then I just started mixing with the crowd because I knew most of them and well there was singing singing bhajans Baba talking some sort of a game or just talk about that most here whether there were extremely lovely mango trees. It is a very very good form all sorts of trees.

Very pleasant atmosphere. I sort of liked it immediately.

And when the time at sundown when the time came for departures, everybody started meeting baba baba started embracing about shaking hands. My turn came. I am rest him and I asked him the question. I told him that Baba not Bob. Of course, I didn't say Baba I said they my mother wants to see you. When should she come here.

Your mother came and saw me already.

It's good. You have come it's a very good theory or come you. Keep on coming and that was that oh shit first impression of other than did, you know, he was a spiritual Master as well as a Schoolboy say no no knowledge of God or anything or Saints or anything at all. Although my mother knew about the Saints and whatnot, you know because they she believed in them and that's why she pushed me there.

He he solved.

It becomes an excuse I was to come to her. I was to come to Baba and I came the excuse could be anything anything well here in my case. My mother was excuse. All right, but the see people say how did you come to Baba? I'll say it is all Destiny. You are all bound up with this in your all bound up with Baba. So you have got to come any time. How did you come to understand? So this question has got only one answer.

Bound up with Baba Yaga relationship with Papa and

It's nothing nothing nothing but relationship your contact or your destiny that you have got to spend life with Bubba.

Well another question arises, how how do you come by that Destiny takes?

Cycles of birth and death, you know, you could have come with the master in the past in the beginning and that could be very from a very very small beginning and I'll tell you how it could be you see during Baba's life. Bob always said that anyone, you know, try to explain about me try to explain about Baba spirituality and get him to me only just for a minute here. Just bring him around here.

Megohm to me

And God says that you should know that God says there bring him to me, right and ignorant Soul who is got to go back to where he belongs. So that's the seed.

He would plant now to see to germinate and come to into full bloom take cycles of birth and that it doesn't happen. Once once in the cycle. Once you know, once you're in your lifetime in like manner you come and go you come and go and you always take you always come in contact with the perfect Masters and on and on you're on your way. Once the seed is planted. There is no going back.

Mind you as in people.

We're in the sort of.

Sort of what he called reaction has set in you know, he gets he doesn't want it. He lives with the Masters, but then I don't know the people of Maya or something something lacking in him yet.

Pull them back and he goes away to come back again to him.

I'll give you an example.

I don't know what the year it was but one man who stayed with us his family whole family stayed with us for a number of years and in 1926 when we went to Santa Cruz.

Or it might be any other year. Anyway, the year doesn't matter but shagging tells me the story. That man's name was Mohan so.

How he took Barber is live at I don't know we see with us. It was strictly Anybody Everybody Everybody. Anybody with Baba was a concern of his or hers with our so whenever used to metal. We never used to be inquisitive about it. So I might have been busy somewhere else.

And shagging was there the manly was there and this man had come to take Baba's live.

He took Bible even after he had gone Baba said that this man will now see me after 700 years.

So till date he has not come back.

But he has had the contact with the master.

He can't leave him and the master won't leave him. But this life span is gone. He is no more now till Barber rubbed his body. He never came. I don't know why I let that is all that is also destiny. That is also Destiny. So anyway, he went away and when he went away after he went every Baba said that this man will see we only after 700 years. So although we had heard that he had come back to India.

Does from Africa he never cared to see Baba to Baba's words come true.


It's is your past connections Destiny you I mean by Destiny. I mean is your past connections every cycle of life, you know, you coming with a perfect Masters?

And his longing then keeps on Gathering momentum.

He knows later on that knowledge for that particular soul in whom the seed has been planted by the Masters comes to know the futility of the existence and he starts on his way. So people ask me how I came. Well, this is it. How did you come not without any contact I dare say I daresay with a challenge that none of these people. Even Baba says he buy it.

Written in the Sufi books

That a man they're not entered the threshold of the master dare not enter the threshold of the master unless he has some connections with him many people ask me also the since we have not seen Baba, how do we act I just asked him. How do you know? You're not seen Baba? How do you know? Can you tell Elliot I said no you have seen Bubba.

I am frantically to remind you. This is my own impression. This is nobody's impression or by bus. This is my own sincere feeling in the heart. I tell them bluntly.

But there must have been a contact sometime in the immediate past or even some time in the past that that has made them come here. Hmm. So it is it is quite a fact it is not my saying and I'm not just babbling about it. It is quite a fact unless you have had connections, you know, you just cannot come people here often have come here, you know, just

Just with an inquisitive mind to see who Baba is. They heard about Baba? They hear about Baba and they come. All right, let us go and see Bobby even now sometimes you know, this travel has come westerners Eastern us all I don't differentiate between a western and Eastern are both are both are both are human beings and they are in a quest.

You have got a mind and they all got a right to think so, they just come here see and endearing Baba's time. Also many people just came so I went away never to come back but they did come they did come the time was not yet matured, but the seed was planted whatever the excuse whatever the excuse.

Excuse would be anything supposing we are just sitting with Bob on the veranda and talking to him and Bubba sees a man going by the passing on the road. And you say one particle that man just see who's that man?

My orders are go and go and see him the contact is established. I am a slave I am working for baba. Baba doesn't go the point here. Is he the king does not go himself. He sends his emissaries. He sent a slave he sent his servants. So it is our bounden duty to go and act on his orders in like manner. The contact is established.

And he might call him ask him the questions. Who are you? Where are you from? Where are you going? What are you doing and what not and if he is this a down-and-out he might give him something some rupees or some clothes or some food or something and in like manner the contact is a steps. That's the start. That's the start or maybe it is more than a start. I don't know but the master knows

You understood I am no judge, but let us say it is the start.

He's on his way.

Now he has met God in person. What more does he doesn't know it the soul doesn't know it. What more does he want that will make him think he is his mind will start thinking you two, who was it? Who was this man? All of a sudden out of the blue called me and help me out.

He Masters Works a very very queer you wouldn't know and I've been hundreds of such experiences during our travel with Bob or stay with Mama. We never questioned it mind you but we could understand it. Definitely that this soul is you say Baba is establishing his contact with this particular soul. And that was that so it's between him that particular soul.

Well, what have you got to do? We got to obey the orders of the Masters. That's that so Destiny plays a key role and a great very great rule unless you have had connections in the past during the past.

You couldn't come to him. Well, then again here a clear question develops. Your question comes up. People say I don't believe in reincarnation. Well, what can you tell them?

Well, you can break the barriers down you could give them a good broadside, but it can't be done in just one day or one minute or one of us.

His mind like ours my mind to is enveloped in ignorance.

That that whale of ignorance is got to be torn when the knowledge comes the knowledge will come when the time comes no doubt. But even then this man's this it is easiest if you call it or a non-believer in st. He too has got a kind of a whale on his eyes or on his mental sphere.

Can if you want to impress upon him up about the spirituality man becoming God or God becoming man, which for him is unpalatable.

You see this means he says there is nothing no God at all. All right, we can just argue about it, but it takes time. So since he is a passerby and just a man who has come to visit. You can't explain it upended. I mean in one hour or something, but we're he to come to the perfect Master the perfect Master will just turn the key in.

Convert him in no time at all. Master is a master. Remember remember we are still all enveloped in ignorance. Although we are stayed with the master. We know plenty about the masses, right but you have got no privilege. We don't know you haven't got that knowledge. You know that all knowledge you have got we have got is our intellectual knowledge. Whereas with the master is the I am God state.

I am got state is quite different quite inexplicable and Baba said a number of times that it's like to explain half as and other things. You know, he he said I don't I don't blame you try to explain things, you know, but it wouldn't get into overhead to spiritual path and whatnot, you know.

He says I don't blame you your mind is enveloped in ignorance and you got to know the all-pervading ocean the Limitless thing. I am trying to explain you the Limitless thing first and foremost. I can't explain the Limitless thing how to explain just amazed. Yes. It's just a fact how to explain Limitless thing. All right. Bubba Endeavors is best explained the Limitless thing. Well here this not is a limited ignorant one.

How can you grasp you can't grasp the ocean in your span being a drop?

You understand so that why I had become difficult yet that knowledge comes it's I did level best to explain to us many of us. Is he otherwise, how could we come to this knowledge? Each individual capacity has grasped what Bubba has said?

You see what we gather you and myself.

We Gather is all intellectual knowledge

And many a Time Bubba did warn us.

I never knew you with a finger shaking at as I'm warning you you shall not take any gift from anybody. You shall not make anybody bow down to you. Although you have lived with me me as God. I am God, although you are live with me. You're yet, not perfect. So you have no privileges at all granted. You're past your life with me yet. You're not.


Big the gift or make the man bow down to you when you're perfect.

What does this boil down to?

What we have got is all intellectual knowledge and mind are is Frontiers Beyond which it cannot go.

It cannot go into the spiritual domain by burden said that it is the personal experience is the subjective experience that counts and it's not the intellectual knowledge. Then why collected by Everett MA if the intellectual knowledge has no value. Mmm, then why going for it? No, sir. You do go in for it, which analyzes your mind towards God.

I do not gather some intellectual knowledge about Baba Robert God G OD. What is he OD you wouldn't have come here. Is it not a fact sure then Intel and intellectual knowledge helps but to a certain extent. It has got his boundary. It has got his Frontiers no more. It might be less. But no more Beyond lies the domain beyond the domain of the mind like spirituality is the

No experience is the subjective experience. So unless you get that unless you get that Perfections. Remember, I'm warning you. You shall not make anybody bow down to your feet shall not take any away some from anybody or you will collect his house cars.

Yes, it's a fact by bobbing down to anybody anybody's feet you drop your son's car. That is feet good or bad.

Now you say well supposing that man is all good. Some scars. Let us take it for granted given sake well, some scar is some scary. It's a binding.

A Fetter of gold shade of gold or iron is not less strong to mind. Is it now so golden some scars are bad and some scars bad some scars both are equally binding on you.

So you shall never never make anybody touch your feet never do that never I'm warning you. Then he points to they took her arms couplet, which is in mere Azad.

We're in Saint tukaram Savages Guru. He says by applying access to your body tukaram our asses by applying assist your body and growing long hair and pretending you're a saint May. Our hearts burn to grammar has mind you a perfect Master says may our hearts burn. There is no salvation for you.

Now just imagine a perfect Master saying that that may or heartburn there is no salvation for you. Just imagine what a binding that is. So just also is imagine a little more little more when the Shelton gurus we shall strung up like mushrooms what must they be accumulating for cycles of births and deaths by Heaven. Well God Alone knows.

To be their lat

But but the lot of his followers is not bad at all.

To the follower the dividend is paid he bows Down With all sincerity to the master supposing. I today assume some sort of a master of some salt and Hood. You understand. I pretend to be a master people come to me and bow down to me. I think they win the people who bow down to me win I sink.

You understand? I'm weight down by their subscribers. Whereas with Bob or perfect Master took her Romberg mannish water pass the morale Barbra Jean it is just burnt away.

About this kabira set Kabir the power port Saint of India.

That one second his couplet one second half a second half of half a second. If you are in company of a saint millions or some scars of yours are burnt away our eliminate Millions. So they shall turn accumulates how much the Lord which he may not be able to eliminate in cycles of births and deaths but once in a while he comes across a master and

Master cleansing the Mast is what's God for God is compassionate. Forget it not.

You understand?

Always remember a prophet comes the outer comes for the whole universe. Not only this world for the whole universe for the whole creation and out of that just a part of it is what we saw just a part a little and Adam what we saw.

Well, if he works for the whole universe, how can you fathom it impossible?

And he has got to come together. A mirage has said that we will never leave God Alone will bring him down always will never let him rest in peace will always bring him down. That means god is eternally amongst us in the form of a human being God man or man God, right, right. Yes, sir. But once in 700 to 1400 years God

Amanda sense, but in between there is no vacuum man has become God and he runs the show.

It is said in God speaks. You know, there are 7,000 always belonging from the 1st to the 7th with five. Perfect Masters who run the show the pillars of the globe the pillars of the cosmos the whole thing and once in a while when God wishes he comes down. It's very flexible seven to fourteen hundred years and for eternity seven to fourteen hundred years is not even 700 to fourteen hundred millionth of a

Can you turn it is not bound by time at all? Eternity Eternity for us ignorant masses it is that so together intellectual knowledge is very good. Keep on Gathering everything about Bob about God everything. It is an unlimited ocean. You can keep on running till your very last breath it never finishes.

And the more you know about it the more you try to know about it the more you'll enjoy the more secrets will open to you. But remember one thing you that would not make you perfect intellectual knowledge is only persevering to the mind. It is not the spirit at all. Hmm.

Don't believe that you are in the third play now the third in the half plane, you know, there are people who just thinking that they are since they have acquired that knowledge. They are in the third plane of the second plane. I don't know. I know the numbers of the plane, but I don't know what the planes are. I've never cared to know the planes would care to know what Bobby tells me to do. And I'm doing that. Sorry. Could you say something about the importance of

Obedience to the master

Obedience to the master is the first thing.

Obedience to the master service to the master loving the Masters. I'll tell you loving very long ago.

In the beginning from the very beginning Mozilla meme Baba was absolute fire. Very strict Masters. Very Stern Master very Stern teacher, but not cruel teachers the compassionate teacher. You have to teach children you spank them. Don't you? Mmm, they're mushy was they don't know it's in essence. They don't know it so you got to bring them down. So he was Stern.

But never never cruel in like manner. He taught us you can some examples of his Muslim. Yes, so

You better give the money leave it all very much afraid of him. You know, you very fiery opacity Mirage also verified remember so one day while the talk was going on. He just asked us are you afraid of me individual 1uu serosa deep and do Pottery almost all of them said. Yes, he shook his head and said no. No, you should not be afraid of me at all.

If you are afraid of me, you could not love me be afraid of breaking my orders be afraid of breaking my orders.

That's what I want.

I want service from you. I am here to take you home give you elimination. I'm not out here to drown you. I am the perfect man.

Mmm, and you are not here for nothing, I know that I know that but what's the use wow, why you how could you love me? If you if you just frightened of me be afraid to break my arm to break my word. That's all I want.

No, don't try to be afraid of me.

Then obey me do as I tell you to

They'll tell you about following Baba.

In the year 1923 when we had left monthly me man. Come to nagar.

Before establishing. Mehrabad, we were staying in the trust of his compound which is crucial Quarters at his father's house. The time was idle on our hands and barbarous them said Baba there is a very good place called Happy Valley here. Let us go there Baba said, all right, come on. So we all went on foot with our bag and baggage that is our bearing bedroll plate and the glass

That was all our belongings. You know, it's just a small role nothing at all. No furniture. No bicycle. No chairs. No cars. No mosquito cars nothing at all. All right, and that's indeed that was in Happy Valley where we got our names, you know, that boy has iPad 3 pandu as the man others, you know, it was there in 1924 Baba gave us these pet names or nom de plumes or whatever you call it. You know, that's where I acquired. Let's go.

V as I intend to acquired the name there we stayed about I think eight or ten days and once one day and Bob was talking mingling with us. We'll play cards. We do talk seeing version and is anything the food was called would come from nagar.

And one day

At about three o'clock in the afternoon. I was just wondering on the veranda and The Veranda was one under is exactly like this Veranda of mehrabad. Just opposite to The Bungalow.

But when 10 10 feet away or 12 feet away is a world beyond that is the Monday of Shiva the bowl Grossman this

I just look over and I see two or three of the mandala sitting there and talking to The Keeper of the temple. I get the itch to go there. All right, I go there. I just go by the past. I just sit around there there. I found two men or three a probably one was gusta his brother that I know of. The second was an second was one of the members of the monthly.

Then maybe there was another third also, but never mind forget it there were two and myself. I just sit down and I'll just sit down hardly for about five minutes, but the catechism between The Keeper of the temple and Gustav. Jizz brother going on ghost has his brother had a very very bad habit of teasing people teasing trying to talk about God and contradicting him this way and that way and this way and that way, you know,

Just for five minutes. I was there Bubba comes on The Veranda. He sees us tell us what are the monthly who are sitting there just call them the shout goes. Come on you baba is calling you. All right, we come back by standing. We all send unless Baba sits down. We don't sit down. This is Baba sending everybody standing in a semi-circle.

I had an opposite thing in front of him.

So he asks me he asks one of the one of us three. What were you doing? Just talking Baba? Hmm. What are you talking about? Talking about God religion spirituality, huh? Very good. And what were you doing and the third and the last man to be questioned? We asked him.

Yes, Baba, we are talking about the same thing, you know God and spirituality and whatnot. Very good. Very good. And you I said Baba. I'm just I had just gone I had hardly gone there five minutes and I heard these people talking to each other. I was not talking but I did go I was sitting there. Ah, all right, you three come on lift a big bag and baggage and get out and go and make that man your Guru from this second onwards.

I'm not your Guru you're and my connections are severed.

Blank notice

What blunt notice?

You stood there shivering. I told you we were very frightened.

No, Baba, please excuse us now. Come on. Come on, make a move. You heard me. Come on go on get out. Come on.

Somebody had again the made up his mind Obama forgive us. We won't do that again. He says look you fools.

You left your homes and hearts and you have join me you lived with me for over a year. You are following me or doing my bidding. Why did you go there?

Never never go to anybody else till mislead you.

You want to follow me, don't you? Yes, Baba the why did you go there suppose you go some order to the contrary. You'll see something some exploration to the contrary. We should you do which will you do my bidding her? Well, you do his bidding if you don't know his wedding he gets insulted and if you if you don't do my bidding you break my order. Is he the point he says you understand now never don't go to never go to anybody you

Made me master and there. I promise you I'll never let you sink.

That was the lesson in following Baba. Yes. Now I get the obedience. Yes. It was prior to this incident in Manila meme.

Myself soroush

And others used to work why and cirrhosis to go cirrhosis to go to some motor Workshop. I used to go to learn a trade according to Bob has orders. That's all and the orders were to leave for work in the morning catch the train go to work work to hold a catch the train back and back into Mozilla me nowhere else no correspondence with family or no talking with friends or relatives on the road at all.

If you say relate to your father your brother, you just turned your face in come away. You never talk with them on the road.

So very strict menu, very very extremely strict. I tell you see I am say you Bob or fire remember half I had been fired. All right, we used to do that.

So let's following order.

So every day after we came from the work in the evenings, we would have some the game of a dupatta or seven tiles or Cricket or anything. Then we would have dinner at about 7 o'clock and till about 8:30. Dr. Ghani and Hawk and Assad and soroush Rastaman. Ultimately they were about 30 of 30 of us there. You just talked with Baba.

Laughing singing here and then spiritual Taco just any of the top 8:30 bubbles the alright go to bed.

What did he say go to bed?

All right. You're just disperse.

Whatever cubicles in the in the big Bungalow am Anjali Mimi, you know everyone allotted to to a cubicle a small room is this, you know ten by ten. So we are quite comfortable. So we would go to review would leave the room to death retire.


When you retire before you retire, you attend to your needs you may have a glass of water for you may go to do something you are you may just have a word or two with somebody and then go that's all.

So at 8:30 very just dispersed. We went into our rooms.

Someone hadn't gone yet and some had gone add entered my room then about to spread my bed. The gong goes you see the 2 car to call the monthly. There was a huge ship belt when the bell rang. Everybody had to come to the dining room where Baba congregate away Baba set and we congregated.

Clark Amy, what's it?

Never happen. So never happened after 8:30 was now well anyway, we all ran to the dining room. Baba is standing there.

Asking each of us. What were you doing Baba? I had gone to the previous you love. I was washing my mouth. You know, I was talking to Padre stocking to soroush.

What did I tell you 5 minutes ago?

Answer me. What did I tell you five minutes ago Bubba, you told us to go to sleep then? Why are you not in bed? Is that the way you obey my orders? Why are you not in bed? Why were you talking to soroush why had you gone to the bathroom? And why are you cleaning your teeth all but orders are not to be obeyed like that or be or should be obeyed. Literally when I tell you to go to sleep.

Go to sleep under your bed and lie down on it.

And if you want to attend to your needs lie down on the bed for five minutes. Obey my order then you may get a then I won't mind that that would not be breaking the order. That was the first lesson in obedience.

We are Never Forgotten you see that's how the master teaches he was turned mind you I am repeating again he was turned but not cruel but he had to show us the way how to follow the master go to bed. Miss go to bed and roll your back lie down on the bed spread your curtain spread your bed light on it for five minutes. You have obeyed him. All right.

You want to get it done if you're thirsty go and get a glass of water and then again to bed.

Not first the glass of water first go and lie down and then the glass of water. That was the it was the lesson in obedience and that incident of that Keeper of the temple. I said was a lesson in following the masters from that day onwards and Sherry of going to anybody so much so


When I used to go from Mara bother from anyplace to Pune Barbra, Jean was on the way to my place just near my home couple of fun along the way.

So thinking that I might be breaking Baba's orders. I'll just ask Baba I ask baba baba. May I see Barbra Jean on the way home? Of course, you shall see she's my father.

You shall see her.

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