
Meher Baba Manifesting


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Eruch Jessawalla - Waves of Purity


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elf008b-eruch -jessawala.wav was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the latest audio-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors. Sonix is the best way to convert your audio to text in 2019.

Which yeah, yeah, the first time I got her to come in here by going to Greece for a walk for one week party. So Karen one week prior to departure of the snowstorm like slipped fell and fractured my kneecap and so I had a cast and crutches and I missed opportunity. But I said the hell with it. We're going Ideo. So you came entirely birthday. Yeah, and

And I left the cast and crutches behind in India. I don't know if you know that but took the cast off into the clutches of a year. That was the only time you came a little delayed actually wonder he wondered how long will I be coming here? And it just seems like there's no question. But that it's this time of the year. They should be here.

Good. I know my staff will say to me it's time for you to be going to India. You're acting a certain way.

Loudly, peace

You know anything about father and the next year, I received a letter from a friend and it was a picture of Father. It was a poster. It says Dear Anne. Why is this man smiling and it was dr. Kenmore's talk that he gave in Northampton that next year you've heard about Bob from Bob's Cushman. And I also received a postcard from Bob Cushman. Whom I didn't know at all Jay Bob of love live. How does he know who I am?

It turns out that he mixed me up with Lisa Gill and sister and you

Are you still in a budget a budget surprising how I could be my first two thirteen years?

And flowing in Gaza

And one of the few questions we ask Baba.

Bible the Seated on the bed in his room

And it's not just a bedroom. It's a wrong the bobis at a lot of the time.

When he was not anywhere else so he would sit on the bed, which is like his chair. The other chair was the one the chair the doctor Kenmore brought specially for Baba brought that chair like another passenger paid for it like a human being and that charism Bob has room for the Afternoon brother would go over from the bed. So that shit walk over with his hand on Marathon or on my arm and go


So then my mother had a thought in Bob of a seated there. Sometimes it seems like once caught Baba of God as it were and so much of God came through this beautiful human form. Especially 7 Barbara's lines till I've had this experience more than a few times probably like resting on the bed and we would be around one of us.

The first thing is for another there's another sweet and then suddenly Bible to say stop. Let me stop and once we stop is check where we are we could move because the stool might Creek the seat that you're sitting on my Creek or maybe just the movement of the body. It would make a sound. We just sat there barely breathing and in that absolute Stillness and watching Baba's.

A beautiful form and white said right lying down I certainly will feel waves coming from bottom like a blind man sitting on the beach and feeling the breath of the ocean coming towards him feeling it. Even if you cannot see knowing it, you know, every Hobby and you know your by the ocean this is waves would come from and the only word I could fit to that was.

Waves of purity

And I became myself God is Not only Supreme. Love you, Supriya Purity and just just just just being there. As I said God and some came true. Anyway back on the bed one day. I finished reading one of the noodles books to him or something and the thought came to me when I say.

Fry land on Barber special day the kind of questions we had but these kind of questions they were not intellectual questions that are not questions about how and the why of creation there was a questions about him. And if a fly sat on the shoulder immediately, my thoughts would be why why did she fly out of all the billions of fries in the world? Why should they

This fly have the god luck to come and sit on his person. So this is how the mood wonder when I was pretty fair and Barbara was good. We were all around them and Bible. She's up there on the bed with his feet on the little cushion the window and the thought that came to me and I said the ones who love but now we remember those who were not present here right now.

Out the time and this is all these people that love bother as opposed to get die, and then they come back.

Will they find him immediately over they have to search again and wait for you know sometime it can but they will come to know of him. Well, they have to look in a Russian my mind and I asked father.

Have a good Bible looks at me. What is what happens when someone who loves you and that person dies, then really find you again. Would it be the same? I will have to look for you. Maybe perhaps miss you.

And bottom is an extension on a gesture. That was so beautiful by the first of all to shoot me by as sort of a very intimate relation between me and never said you take on from where you have left off why you have dropped you pick it up from where you have dropped dropped it you take on from where you have left off.

Loving him having him knowing him. Remember, it's your connection your relationship with him your love that you just continue from where you have left job, and then he said he said it's always good.

Never going back never going back and that was such a beautiful feeling of Eternal continuity. And that makes fun realize that even the point at which we are now is not something that has dropped. Its a continuity. It is something that has been going on. It is always a going forward never again.

Backward so where we are actually now is a point from which we have come by going forward.

And so this is now the point at which we are is a very important very sacred very precious point and so we have to preserve this to take care of it and to keep it on growing instead of wanting to know what is the future. What was your past life? What hole was hell for me in future? No, this is so much.

If only we could take it in but you see we are so close to the mountain. We cannot see except the grains that are grains of the mountain fabric itself. So only when we are far away, then we realize that this is the mountain so this now means you're very close history tells you can see from a distance different perspective the future then make the present into history, but the

Present is important is the present that's so precious that we have come to this point in our journey from the beyond beyond we've come to this point where we are in man fun when we have the capacity to love to surrender to obey and we have found that the source to which to give ourselves and at that we know it that he has taken the pains to come and touch our heart.

Awaken us. I'm the one you are mine. Love me hold my hand. I will just come with me. Hold on to me what more said that could be any more important and then I think of the time when Barbara told us about you are every time when I see this boldest of his lovers and I look around and I can see his face tweeted when he was seated at the dining table.

At breakfast one morning after breakfast, then they would beat the radio voice of America would often be at the station other put on but I mustn't get diverted and one day Bible said to him. We were anticipating the The Dashing in 1969 in summer in Pune and Baba said I will give direction to my young ones.

We were just beginning to have a to Nexus of two.

Whispers of of the lovers who had not seen him and who were waiting to come and be in and Bible said my my children they can't oh and and and you know again, it was like an ocean and then you see them and the expression on his face such of a mother and a father.

The pride and the love and not the smart girl. Why doesn't the Bible say we will see this isn't he going to be see them and then of course I shall be yes, of course because he's already sing there with him. He knows that he sees them all the time. But naturally he says you see and survivors of you see

Some of them Jed's every time we are in the room gathered like this life.

And what he has come to get and what he has given just every time when he puts on his coat to make himself visible to us each time. It is nothing but fulfilling.


Longings wishes that will be careful of your wishes keep drumming it gives you never fails giving

Every once when I was being a bit naughty and I think I took it when something happened and Baba said I will do that and I sort of said well Baba says that person and Baba looked at me and said, I'm the only one who fulfills all promises who never fails to keep a promise will never break a promise.

And although you said it casually if it is very strong and after that I had him tickets. I remembered that you Dennis.

Really what you what you're saying to some of the questions that came in she was morning and then so related to a great sense of impatience. But if people this is fate of impatience things moving fast in the world than people not wanting quick answers and wonder what Bible would say about

If it's a an atmosphere of impatience is prevalent among people coming to barber in wanting something you felt and experienced and wanting obviously wanting and wanting so much for you.

And how do you become be patient?

The wheel is going faster and faster. There's the pussy behind it. And the is very prevalent this disinformation. And of course is it really in patience comes the voicing? We're talking a lot of explaining that we're running with pushing and he just silent quiet without saying a word and the excess. I'm very patient.

I'm the most patient there again is like opening of a heart big so much spaces that thing. So this is all a part of that. We don't always understand. I mean, we don't know the answers to all the thing. But this this feeling is so much there only the other day we were talking and I said don't you feel a sort of an urgency to try it has positive but

It's as if we're moving not about of volition anymore, you know, like what you were an n and an absolute crowd a river of people even if you want to back you can automate the right or left you just carried on and he is doing the perfect Bari concern. That's enough.

I remember the days when there was this impatience in the crowd when he was physically present.

Sending patients with rise to such a bitch pushing the urge to rush to him and touch him to be with him in thousands upon thousands. Not just 2,000 3,000 by tens of thousands of people and people could see that each one of us to go and be with him and he

The doubt a venting his efforts or whatever appear to us is he would give wrong lines of people are coming to him and each one is given the personal touch and all that and men are coming this side. Venona coming on. This side is both hands giving is like a what you call shocks. You see that our blessing each one that comes to him. And then there's the impressions of the crowd that is the time and again, he will stop here.

Dander and give them Comfort. This is don't be impatient.

Each one will have a chance to come to me. I won't leave you all kill each one has this chance opportunity to be with me. That's how you say so it might sound very order than time.

But now it comes to like you see don't be impatient. Each one will have a chance to be with me. I won't leave you without giving you the chance to be with me. It's like that and he would sit there for hours together and doing - I would wonder if the avatars here in the body then people make contact and they feel the connection the less a

To to make inquiries when the Avatar is no longer in the floor that people then begin to ask for a penetrating questions. Yeah, that's true. And the reason they're actually penetrating questions is because symbolically is the same where's father? Yeah. That's true. Why can't I find him this presence is so overwhelming that there's no room for questions at that time. But now it's but natural for them being quiet to find out where is he? What does he do? Why?

Why is he not seen? Is he busy elsewhere? What is he doing? So holy swords, but natural question for the Next Generation, but they will not need so many questions. They will they were feeling and noticed some of the think of as given its for that generation, which were already be more prepared.

Did it be blessed of explanation? I always like to think of not only is contrary to the impatience to talk about when the time is right when whenever Barber would be noticed by complete strangers. Even when Bob was in trouble. You tell those moments stand out very vividly in my mind. For instance. I'll give you an example you could be

Crowded station platform, you know, what station platform in India is and all these people are making sure to get in for dear life before anybody else gets him women. Children Porter's blood aged Birdcage Relic men turbines everything. You see that wave tidal wave of people moving as soon as the train comes.

But Baba would be going in this direction because our compartment was this side and we will see the smash of frantic Humanity going like that. And as Barbara would move with a scarf on nothing's different that would draw attention to the Indian ordinary Indian crowd. They would stop I've seen that with my own eyes that the crowd was tough for a second. It'll be Tableau As A Button had been

Rest in silence Now activity everything like that to Baba went by and then again the screaming behind me.

You life when Barbara had the rope and the turbine and are two was walking along with them again with the rope and the turbine and some distance away. We for women good father. The rest of the Caravan was going ahead. So now in India, it is nothing extraordinary to see a man with a crowbar turbine it and the engine nothing surprises the Indian people. You can dress any way you like it.

It's accepted as part of the patchwork, which is India is so here was now we're behind so we can see this on the opposite side of the road Street of the road. We see two men walking beside opposite to the side where Bob has walking and they're talking a lot about their problems and the family, you know, how it is in India. The whole world can know it's like say this is a secret just between you and me.

The whole world is talking now. We have watching suddenly when they see Baba and Erica by they stop it's not that they slow down. They stopped again. As I said, like a button has been pushed absolutely still stop and not talking anymore. They're not moving anymore and they slowly turn as Papa goes by and they keep looking at him and we're passing by now because we have been following for to Bob.

Just barely seen and and then they continue as a that episode has happened. They again continue to pick up the conversation from the word. They had dropped those are large and and we see that

I cannot tell them that we just

Pretend and we just go on but we witness or Witnesses.

The time when I was in hospital in 1936, I want to read the whole story but I had this bad operation of the year and I start operation. So I like was a very close to add one even then and I was admitted to this Hospital which was a woman's hospital all women run completely by women missionary and one doctor.

Lady doctor was American one was English. The English one was very much. Like kill the nurses were always running after her say, oh you forgot his stethoscope doctor doctor. Anyway the room we had the room I had and the there was myself and nausea. Now. She was looking up to me in the hospital this private room and by God we come to see me twice a day and sit back.

My bed, and be there. Sometimes he would have someone tell me a joke or even peel an apple and put tiny tiny bits between my teeth or soup with little teaspoon. Anyway, the point the rear this story I want to express now is that the nurses the nurses have not to be told who Baba is the doctors were not to be told who Baba is but they determine the

That car and old city cop would come to the end to the hospital and stop under the porte-cochere and Bob would be climbing up the steps on the stairs Landing. All the nurses would connect and they would look they would look see him come up and pretend they don't really get it for him quite busy, but they kept looking at and sit in my room they even asked nausea.

Who's this Barber? Because we call him baba. Baba. Baba is friend. Bob has everything who's this father and I sure would say, oh, she's a brother brother. Why doesn't he talk?

You know suddenly there was this movement in the corridor where nurses have been before they were eating their words, but sadly that hurt the car they knew Barber was coming and they would all gather on the landing and then keep, you know, like ants going in and out in and out. So when Bob was seated by my bed and nacho, was there a nurse who I haven't seen all day, but suddenly come in looking very hard at Baba and say

Is not necessarily as yet and I cannot have it looking at Baba and I just said no Nationals is not care. And then I just saying is that loud whisper that she has she knows down when us remember?

And then I chose mean that aside she never takes her temperature. So how could she be? Yeah, it was a little nasty a tiny little thing who was in charge of the children's Ward a big water next to mine. So as soon as Bob would be seated on the chest what this nessarose would do after after couple of business.

From Baba and without are telling who Baba is what you would do is go to the war. You could hear her bare feet pattering on the stone Corridor Randa to go and she would bring the newborn baby of the day come and look at Barber and hold out the baby bottle of look at his head. Look at the baby put up his hands and take the baby.

Put it on his back and without a sound or a word talk to me. So what are you know, is that as moving his little finger the putting a finger on this cheek like a dimple, you know, smiling it sort of talking to it, but that's of course magnificent. Then he would take that child and give it to the nurse and she would go back.

A few seconds later another baby

One child that on another holy he gave holy to each little baby. Each cup has put in his head each time. He is welcomed that little baby. He poured so much love. It's mild just as much as the 12th one as you did with the first one, but we were by that time in page. Oh my goodness mothers. And so this is going to go on and on and on and then that'll give that away.

That that patients in in in giving the people of I've had plenty.

Maybe I can recognize some of the baby.

It's all those who had a warm spot in their heart as soon as you mentioned nurse Rose.

In a little bit different intonation like the southerners in America talk a little the bar, but it's not coming today. And I just know it doesn't come in the morning. Oh, we like it's know what should your father and nausea and I just would look at each other to tell them about.

What even is very name? Bye bye captain?

As a people's again and all of this was collected and then one day open the gate and then let the flood out which is what is happening. Just the beginning more Waters and what we even when we were traveling with Baba and when we start at leading hotels or little dark on those are places, we couldn't call Baba Baba all the bother coming father, brother.

To buy back time. Maybe they will associate or connect the barber would met her father. So we were not even to say that so no real strength is much of a lie. She would she would call Bob tabbouleh so that she would call Babushka.

We were just

Then came the time when Baba released his name the gift of his name and just give it give it out. And because he is released it because he's giving it out. That is why when we utter his name it is hard. There's the response it is received.

The day when Barbara's body was covered in shit. And another thing is to put the announcement is that we have heard and feel very happy and very proud of the volunteers who worked and helped The Amity time and Pat wasn't charged about it is she said we had much fewer volunteers this time.

But she said oh money you have no idea how wonderful they were. They've worked so hard and so harmoniously all the time helping each other and giving and as I said, not that the volunteers would have wanted to be down there. They would have much rather wanted to be at the tomb or when all this was going on, but when you did things that you knew that he would want and not what you would want.

That would obviously something happened. Those are the flowers that have the fragrance. These are the little offerings always reach him and then we heard all that at this very very happy and proud and I want you to know whoever's it here who've been volunteers, please note. I suddenly remembered because I said Doctor and tomorrow and Patrick mentioned especially to

And this is lost.

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This page contains three documents.
The first is a Rendering of Eruch's talk.
The second is the Embedded transcription
The third is the Microsoft Word transcription.


Document Two is linked here:
Raw, As Is, Transcript (ELF HERE.mp3)

This is the Rendering of Ed's recording:

START EMBED HERE for elf 17a:

End of Transcription