Eruch Jessawalla - Lord - Jesus Christ
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Lord Jesus Christ did take birth on 25th, February 25th, December.
We were a bit confused about and there is a wee bit of confusion. You see in recorded history. It is made the date has been fixed for the sake of convenience of all concerned Barbie. What can I do? You know why you can't hear me because I'm sitting by the side of a lady who does not want wish me to throw my voice out.
Is he this morning being what we were doing is we were trying to find out whether then 2/5 everybody is the boss's day of our Lord Jesus Christ or the defects of December.
So we came to the conclusion that it cannot be 25th of December because there is a lot of debate about it controversies on the subject.
It might be some other day. So the best date is to fix it as 25th February then money. When The Stepfather says I'm sure every time he takes it when the event takes place. It must be on 26 February. Yeah, I have heard because when I had studied the life at that time, there was this debate and all that and they fixed it at the end of February.
The beginning of March because of the Shepherds who were out there and had seen the stars and all that something so December is not the month right month for them to be out in the open follow. That's what he had come to the conclusion those the scepters who were teaching me the life of the Lord they came to the conclusion that 25th. December is not the right date though. It is the date fixed for the convenience of all in general just as we change the date of nehru's birthday or
Team being a big beak and for our convenience we did it was not her but it's not her birthday that the likewise we can change at our own convenience. We see the dates. So we shifted further to pick 25th of February.
Oh, yeah, that's a good idea more holidays doesn't see the commercial aspect of what 25 December is a good good season seems to be all right, let the businessmen Prosper Roman Holiday called saturnalia which happened at the same time and since the Christians had to become.
Kind of incognito and everything see they had that celebration hidden behind this ROM celebration so they can have some celebrate without sputtered out.
For Christians here to say that it is too old.
But the other day Graham brought up brought up that question says why he selected being as taking birth in his arrest and Community me.
That brought to light you see it was good that he to both in his arresting Community because the Russians are supposed to be taking interest in sharing the joys of all communities.
So it is it go it is less difficult for the Lord.
When he is as a restroom, you can be accepted not lot of friction is suppose if he had taken birth as a monitor or a Christian how much more hardships would be there? Thus he had to deal only with one communities. That's all and that is a dwindling Community. 60,000 is nothing compared to the world. This 60,000 now Cyrus how many years are asking how many are left now?
90,000 who she is. So yeah, we are on Deck 25,000. Are you sure are you sure? I'm sure when was your last census? He did before the play also, isn't it? So
Laughter is the beginning of the cycle of seven avatars. And Baba is the seventh and it brings nothing of that sort. The thing is that we began with sarastro. The rest is that when because it is in recorded history, that is the earliest that we can then him down in that way. That's how defining that chronological order given by him. And his message is called the highest of the high.
He picks on the rest and then RAM and Krishna and goodbye.
Jesus and Mama
Yes here before going into a slurry, you know, nobody can say that but the only thing there is a contention that it is either 8,000 years ago or ten thousand years, then it's a margin of two thousand years ago. 10,080 Works where the contrast that's what
As Nations we are dealing with it.
Yeah, no.
It is not it's the case a little confusion over there about Abraham because at the time of zoroaster 8000 about money. Hey Merry Christmas tree ever.
Your mama
Especially though there was a little confusion because at the time of the rest naturally his impact was great just as of the time of Buddha because of the king who ruled over the kingdom. This is Ashok. He accepted the faith and kind of put the salsa the time was arrested the ruling Emperor accepted accepted his religion of his date or his truth that he brought.
And naturally there was a kingdom wide acceptance of zoroaster.
The time of the restaurants of to naturally it has its own favorable repercussions. It's rationalism spread far and wide because of that because the Traders and all that something so people all over placed in many areas different countries and all they are accepted Zoroastrianism and there was a restrooms and they anticipated this return
Just as with every Advantage. They said that one I'll come again. I'm to come back. That's how it is. So, excuse me. So the time when ROM is that when took place naturally The rosters never took it favorably and saying that he has come again and Krishna the time.
They were doubtful known cannot be he was not that likely and so humorous to see how can we accept him that he's to him in order to be diviner. Abraham had the similarity and so forth and some other Russian some of the zoroastrians is he said? Yes, he has come so that's how it is. So that's 3 and so that's the
What's many as five years prior five thousand years prior to Abraham? No before that students accepted in us. This is what has two seconds or rust. So that's how ya not contemporary contemporary tubes or a students who accepted they were quite different engines. Yeah, according to Barbara.
But brother said according to him he said that I was I am according to the auditor according to our money Rosemary is asking whether Baba ever celebrated Christmas celebrated Christmas money. Why don't you sit on the stool there or something. These are the traditional menu.
President is that
We realize it must have been exhausting. We celebrate mom's birthday. Krishna's birthday. The rest is perfect. But the celebration is Maura but Christmas. Yes, because you see in India. It was British rule my for my childhood. Bob has traveled as man.
And so we have been influence private by Christian.
Community aspect yes community and like we were educated at the convent school colleges and Mary father was a sentence in school so that you will find many Thoracic Surgeons have leaning.
For Jesus Christ, and we did I know Eric has as I have and we find that a man quite a number and so we have always be put up a Christmas tree rather look to take it from who's his hedge that he have is a sort of an evergreen thing to make a good for Christmas tree falling apart and then we will put pencil and beings and nature.
Choice to hey, Mommy make a special one sided at Biscuits House made baked biscuits and it's mask perhaps never cut the shape of a house each wall like an architect as put it on the list of flattened. Yo, he would have them write them separately the windows the doors the ball.
No coconut coconut cream. Yeah, I remember that.
I'm anxious to find out whether the see what it was to be devoured.
Which is the name of a dark blue bird my sisters are so fair complexion. We would want to insert enough almost like you but he was Eva's dark complexion survival with Jesus or the Christmas tree one of the choice.
I've made was the body wall and make a boy. Right? Let'slet's hear they like eyes and he was hanging there very happily and barber turns and certainly look no look at this is uses just like you very simple heart very very fine person. So when you saw me,
Would be enough in our enjoyment he would participate so intimately as you would really feel that.
His enjoyment has done for him with all her heart. He was not only accept it on the surface. He is it if he gets into it. I remember they also made other paper packs, you know with dots on a fancy little Pom-Pom both of them, but he's kept yeah and you know survival, but could one is an era before the
There we all would do. Let me put little things inside and it has Joy he made it he made being reality. He missed touch even make a nuisance Papa make good life, even in usually moments and his side isn't joint along with us and it was so happy that we worked so hard to make this biscuit as of make this choice of the roof is leaking and and that
His father in everything. He does that with the agent. The only thing is that what you do has to be for him and no matter how difficult it is and what it takes.
The base to celebrate Christmas and not and divine which to celebrate Diwali which is a festival of lights today and India, they are lights you may have heard it. So there are partners and they are ways to have this practice for reading and wanted firecrackers that the sound and all but, you know Johnny with us and I still remember he made the servants he would never forget the servants even happen openings.
And he handed each one a small place and that Cheyenne of this we understood that that is part of a very solid drums Parker's for the Lights Went Out
Everybody's birthday was celebrated on such a grand way. Such a happy and why would everybody would share? Whereas here this home where he was he would be silently seated here and he would we would not be making so much on his birthday. That day was given over to the start of the sudden.
To this day, it continues like that. It was their day so they would get together and they would arrange the decorations. They were arranged the music they put buntings all to done right from tree to tree so that it was a canopy of color buntings and Revival was brought over on the chair the chair. So here one day when somebody
I came from anger unexpectedly the day before and what you're doing here. This is such a hand wait. We are at we have heard of how it is celebrated every way if it's done in other places about what must it be like when my family's and Bobby.
Well go back. I am when my brothers are there is a big celebrated as implicit partly get that I am there every celebration and that we have learned over the years most. So after bobber clobbers body that he is everywhere whether as a joyous expression of his on the patients that I related to him.
Anywhere everywhere and I don't mean only the joists as I said the other day even funerals of our patients. They almost like little small David actions.
Distress because he's there and he's unhappy out.
Definition of state is 59. Yes. These are all Baba's words this meditation meditation is neither devotion.
Nor love
Meditation means mental pursuit in pinning down. The object of one's thoughts before one's Mind's Eye meher Baba once said
In motor car while going to mehrabad from Mara Zod on the 5th of February 1959 baba got his physical bones broken. So as to break the backbone of the material aspect of machine that is Machine age.
Keeping intact its spiritual but aspect.
Break the backbone of the material aspect of Machine Age keeping intact its spiritual aspect.
Yay, meher, Baba once said at Marathon in February 1959.
My work is more important than me.
I am Eternal and work is necessary to make others know about me.
My work is more important than that.
What does he say? Yes.
Do you represent?
January 11th 1959 John J bhabha
Merry Christmas to you baba tells us the story a man was working in a factory. You worked very hard even night shift.
Another man working there ask him.
Why do you work so hard do you love work?
The man replied I hate work, but I put all my heart into work and enjoy and love the work. I hate for the sake of money to save enough to be able not to work. Later.
Yeah, then the second story he tells is that same time.
Perfect. Master said to the disciple on the first day do some service in take a job second day. Don't do any service. Don't take a job Third Day get married.
Fourth day don't marry disciple getting confused asks the perfect Master. Why do you want me to undo everything you order me to do the perfect Master replied?
Doing is undoing everything you do by your own will is undoing everything you do and undo by my will is doing
See the difference between are keeping a fast and him telling us to do.
Where is that last Tuesday? Okay.
After the disciple had been confused and asked why you want me to do the same thing a perfect Master said to the disciple on the first day and do some service in second jet day. Don't do any service the third day. Perfect. Master said get married.
Fourth day instructed the disciple don't marry the disciple getting confused asks the perfect Master. Why do you want me to undo everything you order me to do?
The perfect Master replied doing is undoing everything you do by your own will is undoing everything you do and undo by my will is doing same day ignorance is like a fine Muslim Sandra.
All have worn the Sunda including myself said Baba.
Young knowledge is like a water dirt dust are fireproof. Garment Baba have this garment under my Sandra of ignorance.
Water Meyer dirt Etc. These are the workings of Maya.
What is next?
For ages have I've been giving in silence my silent message of love.
You asked me for a message from my silence.
But silent are the words of my silence.
Silent is love and the lover loves my silence.
And silently adores me in my silence.
What is next that was on Bobby's birthday, February 25th? 1959?
January 25th a month earlier you notice he gave out the birthday message in January a month because the next message is January 25th.
Come one come all.
Between 9 and 12
Arrange your food think how to do well
No darshan end no interviewed be satisfied with Embraces few. This is how you would give extend invitation to those who want to come but his deduction.
Come on, come on with make your own Arrangements is to hug you a girl and got to put your Eternal. He satisfies it Embraces cutest. The next next is the one on earth and then are Baba once said Marathon in February 59. It is a fact when I say nothing happens, but by my will
Are you it should be said by you? Thus there's a difference between one saying him saying in our say
Again, Jesus humor asking this last time I was wishing you really want to recall in living to us. But something else that wants that it mirrors on it is a fact when I say nothing happens, but by my will
For you, it should be said by you thus nothing should happen, but Baba wishes.
Thus it means that Bob has Will and wish are two different things. Baba said that he would explain the difference clearly one day when he is in the mood to do so all of them come back out to say no, but there is a little thing that he gives some points to remember. Yeah one by was Will.
Is both direct and indirect
To as nothing happens, but by my Baba's will you're going against my wish is by my will he says
You were at the very end of the page August. This is 16. This was February August 16th, 1960 following points given by Baba at Meredith.
August 16th, 1968 a year and a half later. Number one When Baba says I want you to do this it equals or means I would like you to do this if you can therefore it is a request.
And Allah says I wish you to do this.
It means I want you to obey whether you can or cannot therefore. It is an order.
Chance of wish being forwarded by Disobedience exists with an order chance of wish being afforded by this week.
Finally three, I will you to do this means you are definitely automatically do it and you are able to do it because I make you do it.
This is one question. So which is the organ?
Once the request Wishes the augur well is the automatic will culminate possible that you cannot disobey.
How do you wish that? He always wins it.
Now you're trying to do that appetite.
Now you've done into deep Waters the play of the ego unauthorised Personnel using Saints another person in your experiences action and inaction by the saying what's of us what I do.
Of the Sabbath today this holiday, February 1958. This is a unique Diary of yours as it goes forward the dates get earlier and earlier any page that comes in. We have not read the sequel as it comes whatever the page is there. You just like Ricci my handwriting at the time. Mmm. Excellent.
Big this one's area. I would really wonder if anyone can see this is only by his will that I was able to figure out this tiny tiny writing as addition. Okay, these are in sections all the things go together like in different sections. The first starts real living is dying for God.
Live less for yourself and more for others.
One must die to one's own self be able to live in all other cells.
One who dies for God lives forever
Second group love others as you would love yourself and all that is yours.
Love others as you would love yourself and all that is yours and always love love that. Yeah, this is again love others as you would love yourself and all that is yours fortunate are they whose love is tested by misfortunes?
Love demands that the lovers sacrifice everything for the Beloved third group.
Seek not to possess anything but to surrender everything.
Serve others with the understanding that in them you are serving me.
Be resigned completely to my will and my will will be yours.
Let nothing shake your faith in me and all your bindings will be shaken off.
Fourth group
Desire for nothing except desirelessness
Hope for nothing except to Rick Rise Above All hopes.
I want nothing and you will have everything.
This period of sahabas is the period of my suffering and helplessness, February 15.
My glorification will follow my humiliation sixth group of saying be angry with none, but your own weaknesses.
Hate none, but your lustful self be greedy to own more and more wealth of Tolerance and justice.
Let your Temptation be to Tempt Me With Your Love In order to receive my grace.
Wage war against your desires and godhood will be your victory.
7th group
Real happiness lies and making others happy. Is that ordered of that?
The real desire is that which leads you to become perfect in order to make others become perfect.
The real aim
Is that which aims to make others become God my first painting godhood yourself.
Please listen the others.
This is Guru Prasad 18th, July 1959 at 5:30 p.m.
Mama said to kill Nani couple.
This is my 1959. I am in everybody's heart but I am sleeping there. It is my old old Habit in order to in order to awaken me. You should always call out to me and say baba, baba.
Continuously, then I who am I sleep in your heart will not find any pleasure in remaining asleep. Let alone sleep. I shall not find time even to build.
I shall then slowly be awakened in Your Heart by hearing your constant calls. You're taking my name constantly.
Once I am awake in your heart you two would wake and remain awake for all time.
Therefore repeat my name constantly
And awake me in your heart so that you become awake for all.
Her husband and
Do you remember a couple of tidbits feelings that rest and thoughts at work is mind.
Feelings that rest and thoughts at work is mind mind mind not Webster's definition but thoughts at rest and feelings. That work is heart.
God is where you are not.
Where you are God is Not.
As he said infinitely simple.
Mergen sailing the deep ocean will meet his old number of young and perished Meehan.
On the tongue is silent the Mind speaks in the mind is silent the heart sings When the heart stops singing Soul begins to experience its original Self.
In deep Sleep tongue mind and heart are silent.
And one is unconscious. If one can go into deep sleep and remain awake. When has it own becomes what one originally was an eternally is God.
It says Simplicity of being home grass.
Here's here's a poem Violet gave to hair even.
I was
Fasting for the day from 8 a.m. To 8 p.m. 1 hour more than open your tummies door and with eatables Galore.
Your energy restored with God's name in your heart with Maya wage war and taking Baba's name make Maya lick the floor comforting heavy chain Morrison. Just one arm own wind up your fast.
Another one to Harry Harry. You are very beard. That's why I've kept you near
Now let this be very clear as long as you are here remain happy and full of cheer about my promise. Do not fear.
I will speak and you will hear it whether you are there or here's another one. Is it Harry?
I can't read this word. It's the good line readings Beijing another form of another poem about it.
Is the law?
It is the law of love divine that you must wither you must Pine that you must suffer but not flying speak. No words and right now line if you long for ballantine's.
Let him wary of making, you know, it was in October one more on this page to Harry Harry dear. You are fine yet. You need Celestial wine wine that makes God out of swine and in one case out of nine.
Makes one cool dude who does shine over the world of mine and nine?
Is a spontaneous thing?
But how did you take them down?
All that is gone. I'm just myself wondering is the harness to taken it down?
You just at the end of the day you can recall some of injury said yeah.
The these things you know, naturally they were me slips of paper versus take down send it to him wherever he be easy. So those slips of paper they grab them back in the other things.
But to give you an idea of the days with him.
All these are doctors there. You are. Please listen turn now really seriously. She did J bhabha. When did you come here?
Merry Christmas
This is a true TV. Yes. It is. I don't know Caesars to listeners the reader and all in between and this has been given spontaneously.
Not knowing how to punctuate I copied in caps.
For me is all that seems to be.
If I were not.
Where would all be?
It's me. Not all it seems to be with me this all would cease to be.
Let me and you and all not be.
Then only would we be to be.
This was what is a good bones when rotted have some semblance of bone but rotten bones when rotted are filth. So go through the scriptures superficially only for driving away the barking dogs when necessary and you're called on to answer the queries.
Actually, we just made this up.
He called on to answer the queries of the preload the water to happen. Now that I was trans. This baby is gone through the scriptures has he studied them?
Not that you should after be with you coming to you of what use are the scriptures to do him. He replies read that apply again good bones when rotted have some semblance of bone, but rotten bones when rotted are filth.
So go through the scripture superficially only for driving away the barking dogs when necessary that is when you're called on to answer the queries of the priests and Orthodox people put all your heart in the notes of stay with God which will turn out to be ever fresh brain.
That doesn't mean the notes that the end does it means that cartridge father wrote about almond all that nothing else that were made an explanation at the end is a whole bunch of notes supplement supplement explaining things. That is the best but there is a section in their own home. Your mother's own in Gujarati. What is in Gujarati? Let's do this. I don't know. Oh, come on.
Gan gan fuuka grew hot kohai. They had kaduna. He they had Cassatt good. Hey such carome and man this community.
Can't you tell me who the literal translation of his country? You know, there are people here the initiate the inspires and they come so what they do while initiating something resource the right situation and give a special name of the north Whispering on hookah.
Like that people can't focus group had come he has limitations.
Such a guru has limitations their cousin Rune in his not Guru that has transcended limitations.
Bear cub you lose their caucus. Our Guru one was transcended. All limitations is the perfect Mark sotka Roman mahima. Do you wear when you approach from you?
Did you don't take him to be that which is not?
He wears when you approach one that you don't take him to be that without he is not.
And marathon on the 10th of February behind the veil. There are hidden plays played by the audit art. These plays are enacted not only behind the veil but are also hidden glaze.
Durga Prasad when real light appears this darkness, which you think is light. This is
So or self equals real life body, which we take this self is really darkness, which is thought of as really like
Meher Baba once said while being driven in the car, Amer azadeh mihriban on the 5th of February 1959 ocean becomes drop the drop becoming ocean as the drown itself in itself to realize that always was the oceans.
What is it again? Ocean becomes dry?
The drop becoming ocean as to drown itself in itself to realize that it always was.
Meher, Baba once said, February 59 at Marathon.
That one word full of meaning is produced innumerable meanings words.
Again approved Prasad are very life should be such as to be God's message of Truth in the world in our everyday life the worldly duties if love service honesty is manifested renunciation is achieved without renouncing the world.
Our very life should be such as to be God's message of Truth in the world.
In our everyday life of worldly duties, it's love service honesty is manifested.
Renunciation is achieved without renouncing the world.
The inexorable must not to be confused with the ministry masd.
This is M. UST.
No, but this has been printed. This is the sound of us.
In February of 58 mama said on Savas Salve us is the intimacy of give-and-take of love.
I am the only beloved and you all are my lovers or I'm The Only Lover and you all are my beloved's.
I want you all to remain happy in my Savas.
This will be the last solace.
I'm the ocean of Love draw as much of this love as possible.
Make the most of this opportunity it rests with you to draw as much love as possible out of the ocean. It does not rest with me to explain to you as to how you should love me.
There's a husband or a wife explained one another. How did loved one thing is certain that I want to give you my love.
It depends on each of you to receive.
The easy way to receive it is to forget your home family and all worldly Affairs when you are here and be receptive to my love. This is the first thing to follow if you want to receive the maximum of my love.
The second thing is to follow the second thing to follow is to have a good night's rest.
Esoteric instruction sleep well each night and feel fresh when you come here for my Savas each day. I am God, if you remain drowsy in my presence, you will miss me and your drowsiness will oblige you to remain absent from my presence in spite of your daily attendance.
Sawa's means intimate companionship
I established a permanent to establish this companionship. You should be free with me Savas is the intimacy of give-and-take a glove between the lovers and the Beloved.
There's no need to explain this give-and-take of love to create an atmosphere of explanations and discourses is to Mar the Dignity of love, which is established only in the closest of intimacy.
Silver is meant for you all to create an atmosphere of explanations and discourses is tomorrow the Dignity of love which is established only in the closest of intimacy.
How do I participate in the silos I bow down to myself I embrace myself it is I who smile whoo-wee this Bible who sits here on the diet seat and it is Baba who swats in the ground in the condom. Mama meets baba, baba consoles. Bob Cats, baba chides, baba.
It is all about Gamma Gamma such as my experience of participation in the Sava.
Drink deep at the fountain of love, but do not lose consciousness.
If you can but tastes even a drop of this love what a wonderful experience it will be have you any idea what this sabah's is.
He who approaches me with a heart full of love has my solve us.
After I drop this body
And my passing away from your midst many things will be said about this Ava take fullest advantage of this opportunity in the living presence of the Avatar forget everything else that my Savas and concentrate all your attention on me. I am the Ancient One.
15th of February 1958 probably initiation is the first day they are all day. That's what he said. These are the little remarks that have been captured Baba emphasized. I am Sasha arm up. It was very terrible land god in human form track shocking him from informed in psalm.
God if anyone were to get even a glimpse my real State on would like to be cut into bits of thousand times for me.
While meeting and embracing one of the Sadducees by the name of Shri Logan Logan Logan amines multi and reactivity with me call with many qualities multi-core multi qualities multi attributes. You know that it's not his name. Is that bahoo good garbage on the streets many qualities Mama jocularly remark, I am also
My her rupiah my Ruby, I'm in many form on her Sims various characters. Yeah, Baba said once if I were to turn the key, if I were to turn the key those who are opposed to me to change into real bhaktas lovers in no time. Anyway, even V-Rod bhakti remembrance of those who oppose the remembrance of those who have hope
Hope is better than nobody remembrance through love.
Bible once remarked Zeb Abba
I have a once remarked of what use would it be to have my photos on paper best is to establish them in your hearts.
Baba stressed if I am not all-knowing, what would it do Veil you to send me chips on the nose?
And if I am all knowing I know everything chips and notes do not serve any purpose. I tell you I know everything I am all knowing.
But also said
If you all take me to be God God is all knowing.
What is it? Then that makes you come to me with your difficulties as it is. It seems to you that I do not know everything.
Baba told godavari. My it is definite that I am in everyone and the glory of the Suns.
Is the seventh shadow of my real state of reality even a glimpse of this Glory was enough for one to lose all Consciousness nothing but the effulgence then remained to be seen continually.
Mama said so far as birthdays go everyday is my birthday.
I once remarked love has no limits.
But the mind is in the way this hitch cannot be removed without my grace. It is impossible to be removed because mine has to annihilate itself or example, if one were asked to jump over oneself. The most one would be able to do would be to take a somersault. It is impossible to jump over oneself.
One may jump over others, but not over oneself. One may lose Baba compartment one male of Baba sincerely.
One may want to realize bottle as he really is that the hitch remains this hitch can only be removed by my grace books and so on would not bring about one spiritual regeneration mind cannot be annihilated by mine as one cannot jump over oneself.
Only by loving me as I ought to be loved in the mind be destroyed anyone may have love for baba, but not the love. I want my lover's may be likened to one who is fond of lions and admires them so much that he keeps a lion in his own home, but being afraid of the lion he puts him in a cage. The line is always in caged even when he feeds the line.
He feeds the pet animal from a distance and from outside. The cage Baba is also treated like the lion by the lovers. There is love there is admiration. There's an intense desire to see Baba comfortable and happy and Baba is also frequently fed by the love of the lovers.
But all this is done keeping Baba segregated from one's own self.
What is wanted of the lovers is that they should open the cage and through intense love for their Baba throw themselves Inside the Cage.
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End of Transcription
Eruch Jessawalla - Lord - Jesus Christ
This is transcription text, raw, as is, with no proof reading.
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elf016a-eruch.wav was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the latest audio-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors. Sonix is the best way to convert your audio to text in 2019.
Lord Jesus Christ did take birth on 25th, February 25th, December.
We were a bit confused about and there is a wee bit of confusion. You see in recorded history. It is made the date has been fixed for the sake of convenience of all concerned Barbie. What can I do? You know why you can't hear me because I'm sitting by the side of a lady who does not want wish me to throw my voice out.
Is he this morning being what we were doing is we were trying to find out whether then 2/5 everybody is the boss's day of our Lord Jesus Christ or the defects of December.
So we came to the conclusion that it cannot be 25th of December because there is a lot of debate about it controversies on the subject.
It might be some other day. So the best date is to fix it as 25th February then money. When The Stepfather says I'm sure every time he takes it when the event takes place. It must be on 26 February. Yeah, I have heard because when I had studied the life at that time, there was this debate and all that and they fixed it at the end of February.
The beginning of March because of the Shepherds who were out there and had seen the stars and all that something so December is not the month right month for them to be out in the open follow. That's what he had come to the conclusion those the scepters who were teaching me the life of the Lord they came to the conclusion that 25th. December is not the right date though. It is the date fixed for the convenience of all in general just as we change the date of nehru's birthday or
Team being a big beak and for our convenience we did it was not her but it's not her birthday that the likewise we can change at our own convenience. We see the dates. So we shifted further to pick 25th of February.
Oh, yeah, that's a good idea more holidays doesn't see the commercial aspect of what 25 December is a good good season seems to be all right, let the businessmen Prosper Roman Holiday called saturnalia which happened at the same time and since the Christians had to become.
Kind of incognito and everything see they had that celebration hidden behind this ROM celebration so they can have some celebrate without sputtered out.
For Christians here to say that it is too old.
But the other day Graham brought up brought up that question says why he selected being as taking birth in his arrest and Community me.
That brought to light you see it was good that he to both in his arresting Community because the Russians are supposed to be taking interest in sharing the joys of all communities.
So it is it go it is less difficult for the Lord.
When he is as a restroom, you can be accepted not lot of friction is suppose if he had taken birth as a monitor or a Christian how much more hardships would be there? Thus he had to deal only with one communities. That's all and that is a dwindling Community. 60,000 is nothing compared to the world. This 60,000 now Cyrus how many years are asking how many are left now?
90,000 who she is. So yeah, we are on Deck 25,000. Are you sure are you sure? I'm sure when was your last census? He did before the play also, isn't it? So
Laughter is the beginning of the cycle of seven avatars. And Baba is the seventh and it brings nothing of that sort. The thing is that we began with sarastro. The rest is that when because it is in recorded history, that is the earliest that we can then him down in that way. That's how defining that chronological order given by him. And his message is called the highest of the high.
He picks on the rest and then RAM and Krishna and goodbye.
Jesus and Mama
Yes here before going into a slurry, you know, nobody can say that but the only thing there is a contention that it is either 8,000 years ago or ten thousand years, then it's a margin of two thousand years ago. 10,080 Works where the contrast that's what
As Nations we are dealing with it.
Yeah, no.
It is not it's the case a little confusion over there about Abraham because at the time of zoroaster 8000 about money. Hey Merry Christmas tree ever.
Your mama
Especially though there was a little confusion because at the time of the rest naturally his impact was great just as of the time of Buddha because of the king who ruled over the kingdom. This is Ashok. He accepted the faith and kind of put the salsa the time was arrested the ruling Emperor accepted accepted his religion of his date or his truth that he brought.
And naturally there was a kingdom wide acceptance of zoroaster.
The time of the restaurants of to naturally it has its own favorable repercussions. It's rationalism spread far and wide because of that because the Traders and all that something so people all over placed in many areas different countries and all they are accepted Zoroastrianism and there was a restrooms and they anticipated this return
Just as with every Advantage. They said that one I'll come again. I'm to come back. That's how it is. So, excuse me. So the time when ROM is that when took place naturally The rosters never took it favorably and saying that he has come again and Krishna the time.
They were doubtful known cannot be he was not that likely and so humorous to see how can we accept him that he's to him in order to be diviner. Abraham had the similarity and so forth and some other Russian some of the zoroastrians is he said? Yes, he has come so that's how it is. So that's 3 and so that's the
What's many as five years prior five thousand years prior to Abraham? No before that students accepted in us. This is what has two seconds or rust. So that's how ya not contemporary contemporary tubes or a students who accepted they were quite different engines. Yeah, according to Barbara.
But brother said according to him he said that I was I am according to the auditor according to our money Rosemary is asking whether Baba ever celebrated Christmas celebrated Christmas money. Why don't you sit on the stool there or something. These are the traditional menu.
President is that
We realize it must have been exhausting. We celebrate mom's birthday. Krishna's birthday. The rest is perfect. But the celebration is Maura but Christmas. Yes, because you see in India. It was British rule my for my childhood. Bob has traveled as man.
And so we have been influence private by Christian.
Community aspect yes community and like we were educated at the convent school colleges and Mary father was a sentence in school so that you will find many Thoracic Surgeons have leaning.
For Jesus Christ, and we did I know Eric has as I have and we find that a man quite a number and so we have always be put up a Christmas tree rather look to take it from who's his hedge that he have is a sort of an evergreen thing to make a good for Christmas tree falling apart and then we will put pencil and beings and nature.
Choice to hey, Mommy make a special one sided at Biscuits House made baked biscuits and it's mask perhaps never cut the shape of a house each wall like an architect as put it on the list of flattened. Yo, he would have them write them separately the windows the doors the ball.
No coconut coconut cream. Yeah, I remember that.
I'm anxious to find out whether the see what it was to be devoured.
Which is the name of a dark blue bird my sisters are so fair complexion. We would want to insert enough almost like you but he was Eva's dark complexion survival with Jesus or the Christmas tree one of the choice.
I've made was the body wall and make a boy. Right? Let'slet's hear they like eyes and he was hanging there very happily and barber turns and certainly look no look at this is uses just like you very simple heart very very fine person. So when you saw me,
Would be enough in our enjoyment he would participate so intimately as you would really feel that.
His enjoyment has done for him with all her heart. He was not only accept it on the surface. He is it if he gets into it. I remember they also made other paper packs, you know with dots on a fancy little Pom-Pom both of them, but he's kept yeah and you know survival, but could one is an era before the
There we all would do. Let me put little things inside and it has Joy he made it he made being reality. He missed touch even make a nuisance Papa make good life, even in usually moments and his side isn't joint along with us and it was so happy that we worked so hard to make this biscuit as of make this choice of the roof is leaking and and that
His father in everything. He does that with the agent. The only thing is that what you do has to be for him and no matter how difficult it is and what it takes.
The base to celebrate Christmas and not and divine which to celebrate Diwali which is a festival of lights today and India, they are lights you may have heard it. So there are partners and they are ways to have this practice for reading and wanted firecrackers that the sound and all but, you know Johnny with us and I still remember he made the servants he would never forget the servants even happen openings.
And he handed each one a small place and that Cheyenne of this we understood that that is part of a very solid drums Parker's for the Lights Went Out
Everybody's birthday was celebrated on such a grand way. Such a happy and why would everybody would share? Whereas here this home where he was he would be silently seated here and he would we would not be making so much on his birthday. That day was given over to the start of the sudden.
To this day, it continues like that. It was their day so they would get together and they would arrange the decorations. They were arranged the music they put buntings all to done right from tree to tree so that it was a canopy of color buntings and Revival was brought over on the chair the chair. So here one day when somebody
I came from anger unexpectedly the day before and what you're doing here. This is such a hand wait. We are at we have heard of how it is celebrated every way if it's done in other places about what must it be like when my family's and Bobby.
Well go back. I am when my brothers are there is a big celebrated as implicit partly get that I am there every celebration and that we have learned over the years most. So after bobber clobbers body that he is everywhere whether as a joyous expression of his on the patients that I related to him.
Anywhere everywhere and I don't mean only the joists as I said the other day even funerals of our patients. They almost like little small David actions.
Distress because he's there and he's unhappy out.
Definition of state is 59. Yes. These are all Baba's words this meditation meditation is neither devotion.
Nor love
Meditation means mental pursuit in pinning down. The object of one's thoughts before one's Mind's Eye meher Baba once said
In motor car while going to mehrabad from Mara Zod on the 5th of February 1959 baba got his physical bones broken. So as to break the backbone of the material aspect of machine that is Machine age.
Keeping intact its spiritual but aspect.
Break the backbone of the material aspect of Machine Age keeping intact its spiritual aspect.
Yay, meher, Baba once said at Marathon in February 1959.
My work is more important than me.
I am Eternal and work is necessary to make others know about me.
My work is more important than that.
What does he say? Yes.
Do you represent?
January 11th 1959 John J bhabha
Merry Christmas to you baba tells us the story a man was working in a factory. You worked very hard even night shift.
Another man working there ask him.
Why do you work so hard do you love work?
The man replied I hate work, but I put all my heart into work and enjoy and love the work. I hate for the sake of money to save enough to be able not to work. Later.
Yeah, then the second story he tells is that same time.
Perfect. Master said to the disciple on the first day do some service in take a job second day. Don't do any service. Don't take a job Third Day get married.
Fourth day don't marry disciple getting confused asks the perfect Master. Why do you want me to undo everything you order me to do the perfect Master replied?
Doing is undoing everything you do by your own will is undoing everything you do and undo by my will is doing
See the difference between are keeping a fast and him telling us to do.
Where is that last Tuesday? Okay.
After the disciple had been confused and asked why you want me to do the same thing a perfect Master said to the disciple on the first day and do some service in second jet day. Don't do any service the third day. Perfect. Master said get married.
Fourth day instructed the disciple don't marry the disciple getting confused asks the perfect Master. Why do you want me to undo everything you order me to do?
The perfect Master replied doing is undoing everything you do by your own will is undoing everything you do and undo by my will is doing same day ignorance is like a fine Muslim Sandra.
All have worn the Sunda including myself said Baba.
Young knowledge is like a water dirt dust are fireproof. Garment Baba have this garment under my Sandra of ignorance.
Water Meyer dirt Etc. These are the workings of Maya.
What is next?
For ages have I've been giving in silence my silent message of love.
You asked me for a message from my silence.
But silent are the words of my silence.
Silent is love and the lover loves my silence.
And silently adores me in my silence.
What is next that was on Bobby's birthday, February 25th? 1959?
January 25th a month earlier you notice he gave out the birthday message in January a month because the next message is January 25th.
Come one come all.
Between 9 and 12
Arrange your food think how to do well
No darshan end no interviewed be satisfied with Embraces few. This is how you would give extend invitation to those who want to come but his deduction.
Come on, come on with make your own Arrangements is to hug you a girl and got to put your Eternal. He satisfies it Embraces cutest. The next next is the one on earth and then are Baba once said Marathon in February 59. It is a fact when I say nothing happens, but by my will
Are you it should be said by you? Thus there's a difference between one saying him saying in our say
Again, Jesus humor asking this last time I was wishing you really want to recall in living to us. But something else that wants that it mirrors on it is a fact when I say nothing happens, but by my will
For you, it should be said by you thus nothing should happen, but Baba wishes.
Thus it means that Bob has Will and wish are two different things. Baba said that he would explain the difference clearly one day when he is in the mood to do so all of them come back out to say no, but there is a little thing that he gives some points to remember. Yeah one by was Will.
Is both direct and indirect
To as nothing happens, but by my Baba's will you're going against my wish is by my will he says
You were at the very end of the page August. This is 16. This was February August 16th, 1960 following points given by Baba at Meredith.
August 16th, 1968 a year and a half later. Number one When Baba says I want you to do this it equals or means I would like you to do this if you can therefore it is a request.
And Allah says I wish you to do this.
It means I want you to obey whether you can or cannot therefore. It is an order.
Chance of wish being forwarded by Disobedience exists with an order chance of wish being afforded by this week.
Finally three, I will you to do this means you are definitely automatically do it and you are able to do it because I make you do it.
This is one question. So which is the organ?
Once the request Wishes the augur well is the automatic will culminate possible that you cannot disobey.
How do you wish that? He always wins it.
Now you're trying to do that appetite.
Now you've done into deep Waters the play of the ego unauthorised Personnel using Saints another person in your experiences action and inaction by the saying what's of us what I do.
Of the Sabbath today this holiday, February 1958. This is a unique Diary of yours as it goes forward the dates get earlier and earlier any page that comes in. We have not read the sequel as it comes whatever the page is there. You just like Ricci my handwriting at the time. Mmm. Excellent.
Big this one's area. I would really wonder if anyone can see this is only by his will that I was able to figure out this tiny tiny writing as addition. Okay, these are in sections all the things go together like in different sections. The first starts real living is dying for God.
Live less for yourself and more for others.
One must die to one's own self be able to live in all other cells.
One who dies for God lives forever
Second group love others as you would love yourself and all that is yours.
Love others as you would love yourself and all that is yours and always love love that. Yeah, this is again love others as you would love yourself and all that is yours fortunate are they whose love is tested by misfortunes?
Love demands that the lovers sacrifice everything for the Beloved third group.
Seek not to possess anything but to surrender everything.
Serve others with the understanding that in them you are serving me.
Be resigned completely to my will and my will will be yours.
Let nothing shake your faith in me and all your bindings will be shaken off.
Fourth group
Desire for nothing except desirelessness
Hope for nothing except to Rick Rise Above All hopes.
I want nothing and you will have everything.
This period of sahabas is the period of my suffering and helplessness, February 15.
My glorification will follow my humiliation sixth group of saying be angry with none, but your own weaknesses.
Hate none, but your lustful self be greedy to own more and more wealth of Tolerance and justice.
Let your Temptation be to Tempt Me With Your Love In order to receive my grace.
Wage war against your desires and godhood will be your victory.
7th group
Real happiness lies and making others happy. Is that ordered of that?
The real desire is that which leads you to become perfect in order to make others become perfect.
The real aim
Is that which aims to make others become God my first painting godhood yourself.
Please listen the others.
This is Guru Prasad 18th, July 1959 at 5:30 p.m.
Mama said to kill Nani couple.
This is my 1959. I am in everybody's heart but I am sleeping there. It is my old old Habit in order to in order to awaken me. You should always call out to me and say baba, baba.
Continuously, then I who am I sleep in your heart will not find any pleasure in remaining asleep. Let alone sleep. I shall not find time even to build.
I shall then slowly be awakened in Your Heart by hearing your constant calls. You're taking my name constantly.
Once I am awake in your heart you two would wake and remain awake for all time.
Therefore repeat my name constantly
And awake me in your heart so that you become awake for all.
Her husband and
Do you remember a couple of tidbits feelings that rest and thoughts at work is mind.
Feelings that rest and thoughts at work is mind mind mind not Webster's definition but thoughts at rest and feelings. That work is heart.
God is where you are not.
Where you are God is Not.
As he said infinitely simple.
Mergen sailing the deep ocean will meet his old number of young and perished Meehan.
On the tongue is silent the Mind speaks in the mind is silent the heart sings When the heart stops singing Soul begins to experience its original Self.
In deep Sleep tongue mind and heart are silent.
And one is unconscious. If one can go into deep sleep and remain awake. When has it own becomes what one originally was an eternally is God.
It says Simplicity of being home grass.
Here's here's a poem Violet gave to hair even.
I was
Fasting for the day from 8 a.m. To 8 p.m. 1 hour more than open your tummies door and with eatables Galore.
Your energy restored with God's name in your heart with Maya wage war and taking Baba's name make Maya lick the floor comforting heavy chain Morrison. Just one arm own wind up your fast.
Another one to Harry Harry. You are very beard. That's why I've kept you near
Now let this be very clear as long as you are here remain happy and full of cheer about my promise. Do not fear.
I will speak and you will hear it whether you are there or here's another one. Is it Harry?
I can't read this word. It's the good line readings Beijing another form of another poem about it.
Is the law?
It is the law of love divine that you must wither you must Pine that you must suffer but not flying speak. No words and right now line if you long for ballantine's.
Let him wary of making, you know, it was in October one more on this page to Harry Harry dear. You are fine yet. You need Celestial wine wine that makes God out of swine and in one case out of nine.
Makes one cool dude who does shine over the world of mine and nine?
Is a spontaneous thing?
But how did you take them down?
All that is gone. I'm just myself wondering is the harness to taken it down?
You just at the end of the day you can recall some of injury said yeah.
The these things you know, naturally they were me slips of paper versus take down send it to him wherever he be easy. So those slips of paper they grab them back in the other things.
But to give you an idea of the days with him.
All these are doctors there. You are. Please listen turn now really seriously. She did J bhabha. When did you come here?
Merry Christmas
This is a true TV. Yes. It is. I don't know Caesars to listeners the reader and all in between and this has been given spontaneously.
Not knowing how to punctuate I copied in caps.
For me is all that seems to be.
If I were not.
Where would all be?
It's me. Not all it seems to be with me this all would cease to be.
Let me and you and all not be.
Then only would we be to be.
This was what is a good bones when rotted have some semblance of bone but rotten bones when rotted are filth. So go through the scriptures superficially only for driving away the barking dogs when necessary and you're called on to answer the queries.
Actually, we just made this up.
He called on to answer the queries of the preload the water to happen. Now that I was trans. This baby is gone through the scriptures has he studied them?
Not that you should after be with you coming to you of what use are the scriptures to do him. He replies read that apply again good bones when rotted have some semblance of bone, but rotten bones when rotted are filth.
So go through the scripture superficially only for driving away the barking dogs when necessary that is when you're called on to answer the queries of the priests and Orthodox people put all your heart in the notes of stay with God which will turn out to be ever fresh brain.
That doesn't mean the notes that the end does it means that cartridge father wrote about almond all that nothing else that were made an explanation at the end is a whole bunch of notes supplement supplement explaining things. That is the best but there is a section in their own home. Your mother's own in Gujarati. What is in Gujarati? Let's do this. I don't know. Oh, come on.
Gan gan fuuka grew hot kohai. They had kaduna. He they had Cassatt good. Hey such carome and man this community.
Can't you tell me who the literal translation of his country? You know, there are people here the initiate the inspires and they come so what they do while initiating something resource the right situation and give a special name of the north Whispering on hookah.
Like that people can't focus group had come he has limitations.
Such a guru has limitations their cousin Rune in his not Guru that has transcended limitations.
Bear cub you lose their caucus. Our Guru one was transcended. All limitations is the perfect Mark sotka Roman mahima. Do you wear when you approach from you?
Did you don't take him to be that which is not?
He wears when you approach one that you don't take him to be that without he is not.
And marathon on the 10th of February behind the veil. There are hidden plays played by the audit art. These plays are enacted not only behind the veil but are also hidden glaze.
Durga Prasad when real light appears this darkness, which you think is light. This is
So or self equals real life body, which we take this self is really darkness, which is thought of as really like
Meher Baba once said while being driven in the car, Amer azadeh mihriban on the 5th of February 1959 ocean becomes drop the drop becoming ocean as the drown itself in itself to realize that always was the oceans.
What is it again? Ocean becomes dry?
The drop becoming ocean as to drown itself in itself to realize that it always was.
Meher, Baba once said, February 59 at Marathon.
That one word full of meaning is produced innumerable meanings words.
Again approved Prasad are very life should be such as to be God's message of Truth in the world in our everyday life the worldly duties if love service honesty is manifested renunciation is achieved without renouncing the world.
Our very life should be such as to be God's message of Truth in the world.
In our everyday life of worldly duties, it's love service honesty is manifested.
Renunciation is achieved without renouncing the world.
The inexorable must not to be confused with the ministry masd.
This is M. UST.
No, but this has been printed. This is the sound of us.
In February of 58 mama said on Savas Salve us is the intimacy of give-and-take of love.
I am the only beloved and you all are my lovers or I'm The Only Lover and you all are my beloved's.
I want you all to remain happy in my Savas.
This will be the last solace.
I'm the ocean of Love draw as much of this love as possible.
Make the most of this opportunity it rests with you to draw as much love as possible out of the ocean. It does not rest with me to explain to you as to how you should love me.
There's a husband or a wife explained one another. How did loved one thing is certain that I want to give you my love.
It depends on each of you to receive.
The easy way to receive it is to forget your home family and all worldly Affairs when you are here and be receptive to my love. This is the first thing to follow if you want to receive the maximum of my love.
The second thing is to follow the second thing to follow is to have a good night's rest.
Esoteric instruction sleep well each night and feel fresh when you come here for my Savas each day. I am God, if you remain drowsy in my presence, you will miss me and your drowsiness will oblige you to remain absent from my presence in spite of your daily attendance.
Sawa's means intimate companionship
I established a permanent to establish this companionship. You should be free with me Savas is the intimacy of give-and-take a glove between the lovers and the Beloved.
There's no need to explain this give-and-take of love to create an atmosphere of explanations and discourses is to Mar the Dignity of love, which is established only in the closest of intimacy.
Silver is meant for you all to create an atmosphere of explanations and discourses is tomorrow the Dignity of love which is established only in the closest of intimacy.
How do I participate in the silos I bow down to myself I embrace myself it is I who smile whoo-wee this Bible who sits here on the diet seat and it is Baba who swats in the ground in the condom. Mama meets baba, baba consoles. Bob Cats, baba chides, baba.
It is all about Gamma Gamma such as my experience of participation in the Sava.
Drink deep at the fountain of love, but do not lose consciousness.
If you can but tastes even a drop of this love what a wonderful experience it will be have you any idea what this sabah's is.
He who approaches me with a heart full of love has my solve us.
After I drop this body
And my passing away from your midst many things will be said about this Ava take fullest advantage of this opportunity in the living presence of the Avatar forget everything else that my Savas and concentrate all your attention on me. I am the Ancient One.
15th of February 1958 probably initiation is the first day they are all day. That's what he said. These are the little remarks that have been captured Baba emphasized. I am Sasha arm up. It was very terrible land god in human form track shocking him from informed in psalm.
God if anyone were to get even a glimpse my real State on would like to be cut into bits of thousand times for me.
While meeting and embracing one of the Sadducees by the name of Shri Logan Logan Logan amines multi and reactivity with me call with many qualities multi-core multi qualities multi attributes. You know that it's not his name. Is that bahoo good garbage on the streets many qualities Mama jocularly remark, I am also
My her rupiah my Ruby, I'm in many form on her Sims various characters. Yeah, Baba said once if I were to turn the key, if I were to turn the key those who are opposed to me to change into real bhaktas lovers in no time. Anyway, even V-Rod bhakti remembrance of those who oppose the remembrance of those who have hope
Hope is better than nobody remembrance through love.
Bible once remarked Zeb Abba
I have a once remarked of what use would it be to have my photos on paper best is to establish them in your hearts.
Baba stressed if I am not all-knowing, what would it do Veil you to send me chips on the nose?
And if I am all knowing I know everything chips and notes do not serve any purpose. I tell you I know everything I am all knowing.
But also said
If you all take me to be God God is all knowing.
What is it? Then that makes you come to me with your difficulties as it is. It seems to you that I do not know everything.
Baba told godavari. My it is definite that I am in everyone and the glory of the Suns.
Is the seventh shadow of my real state of reality even a glimpse of this Glory was enough for one to lose all Consciousness nothing but the effulgence then remained to be seen continually.
Mama said so far as birthdays go everyday is my birthday.
I once remarked love has no limits.
But the mind is in the way this hitch cannot be removed without my grace. It is impossible to be removed because mine has to annihilate itself or example, if one were asked to jump over oneself. The most one would be able to do would be to take a somersault. It is impossible to jump over oneself.
One may jump over others, but not over oneself. One may lose Baba compartment one male of Baba sincerely.
One may want to realize bottle as he really is that the hitch remains this hitch can only be removed by my grace books and so on would not bring about one spiritual regeneration mind cannot be annihilated by mine as one cannot jump over oneself.
Only by loving me as I ought to be loved in the mind be destroyed anyone may have love for baba, but not the love. I want my lover's may be likened to one who is fond of lions and admires them so much that he keeps a lion in his own home, but being afraid of the lion he puts him in a cage. The line is always in caged even when he feeds the line.
He feeds the pet animal from a distance and from outside. The cage Baba is also treated like the lion by the lovers. There is love there is admiration. There's an intense desire to see Baba comfortable and happy and Baba is also frequently fed by the love of the lovers.
But all this is done keeping Baba segregated from one's own self.
What is wanted of the lovers is that they should open the cage and through intense love for their Baba throw themselves Inside the Cage.
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